A helper function to conveniently load the default registries



This function is primarily useful to restrict the scope of sources or register to, e.g. either just the remote registry or just the local registry. Note that a user can alter the registry on the fly by passing local paths and/or the URL (https://hash-archive.org) directly.


## Both defaults default_registries()
#> [1] "https://hash-archive.carlboettiger.info"
## Only the fist one (local registry) default_registries()[1]
#> [1] "https://hash-archive.carlboettiger.info"
# \donttest{ ## Alter the defaults with env var. ## here we set two local registries as the defaults Sys.setenv(CONTENTID_REGISTRIES = "store/, store2/") default_registries()
#> [1] "store/" "store2/"
Sys.unsetenv("CONTENTID_REGISTRIES") # }