Generate the appropriate citation for your data
A NEON productCode
or list of product codes, see examples.
Date of download to be included in citation. default is today's date, see details.
Location where files should be downloaded. By default will
use the appropriate applications directory for your system
(see tools::R_user_dir()
). This default also be configured by
setting the environmental variable NEONSTORE_HOME
, see Sys.setenv or
returns a utils::bibentry object, which can be used as text or formatted for bibtex.
Note that the neon_download()
does not record download date for each file.
Citing a single product download date is after all rather meaningless, as
parts of a products may not have all been downloaded on different dates.
Indeed, neon_download()
is designed in precisely this way, to allow easy
updating of downloads without re-downloading older data.
if (FALSE) { # interactive()
# may be slow
## or the citation for all products in store:
## as bibtex
format(neon_citation("DP1.10003.001"), "bibtex")