Return a neon table from the database

  product = NA,
  type = NA,
  site = NA,
  db = neon_db(),
  lazy = FALSE



the name of a downloaded NEON table in the store, see neon_index


A NEON productCode or list of product codes, see examples.


filter for basic or expanded. Can be omitted unless you have imported both types a given table into your database.


4-letter site code(s) to filter on. Leave as NA to search all.


a connection to the database, see [neon_db()].


logical, default FALSE. Should we return a remote dplyr connection to the table in duckdb? This can substantially improve performance and avoid out-of-memory errors when working with very large tables. However, not all R operations can be performed on a remote table, only (most) functions from dplyr and tidyr, as these can be translated automatically to SQL language used by the remote database. Use dplyr functions like dplyr::filter(), dplyr::group_by(), and dplyr::summarise() to subset the data appropriately within the remote table before calling [dplyr::collect()] to import the data fully into R.


We cannot filter on start_date or end_date since these come only from the filename metadata and are only added to instrument tables, not observation tables etc.